Marathon Prep: Training to Train #5kADay

After scouring the inter-webs for the best marathon training program I could find, I’ve selected one from Runner’s World. Like most marathon training programs out there, it lasts 16 weeks, which seems like a short amount of time to me— but what do I know?! Anywho, this particular program is designed to prepare one to run a sub 4:30 race. While there were plenty of other programs designed specifically for first timers and beginners— which I obviously am— I also wanted to challenge myself. (As if running a marathon for the first time isn’t enough of a challenge in and of itself!). Based on my 10k and Half Marathon times, the sub-4:30 seemed attainable. However, since the half, I haven’t been lacing up with the same consistency. Okay, that’s an understatement, as I’m pretty sure I didn’t go for a single run during the entire month of May. Sure, there were a few workouts that included a few bursts of running here and there, but that soooo doesn’t count. Especially when it comes to cardiovascular endurance. The first half of the month, we had guests in town from the mainland for my daughter’s first birthday, so that kept my energies focused elsewhere. Then I came down with the flu, which knocked me out for several days. By the time I was feeling better during the last week of the month, I found myself feeling zero motivation to run. Excuses, excuses— I know. I just could NOT get my ass into gear.

Fortunately, things started to turn around in June... a little. The general recommendation is to increase mileage by no more than 10% each week. So, the first week I ran once. The second week, twice. The third week, I felt a dip in my mojo and ended up skipping all of my scheduled workouts, except for two walks and one run on Saturday. (That was the day I decided to sign up for the marathon.) By the fourth week, I was back up to two runs and two walks. All runs were about 30 minutes or 5k, whichever came first. That makes for a total of 6 runs for the month. Not great, but definitely an improvement over May!

During the month of June, I also began to get back into resistance training for 20-30 minutes once or twice a week. I also went back to my fave Fit4Mom class of all time: Strides360. It’s a 60-minute running-based speed & agility fitness class. (Think Stroller Strides on steroids. To all of my mamas out there, I highly recommend that you check it out!) I also treated myself to a gentle 75-minute hatha yoga class on my off-day. (That class is now my weekly Mama me-time!)

Now that July is here, I have a new plan: 5k A DAY! It’s my way to train for the upcoming marathon training, which I’ll begin the third week of August. While most days will be running, some days will just be walking, or a combination thereof. For example, this morning was Day 1; I went for a 2 mile run with half mile-ish warm-up and cool-down walks. Here’s what the whole week looks like:

Monday 7/1: 5k Run/Walk + CardioCore

Tuesday 7/2: 5k Run + Stairs

Wednesday 7/3: 5k Walk + Core

Thursday 7/4: 5k Run + Strength Training

Friday 7/5: 5k Run/Walk + CardioCore

Saturday 7/6: 5k Run + Strength Training

Sunday 7/7: 5k Walk + Yoga Class

So, that’s WEEK ONE of the “pre-season”. Now, let’s train for the training!